Monday, August 15, 2011

New Game Releases for Tuesday August 16th ‘11

Video games and duckface don't really have anything in common. However, this chick is kind of cute in a strange way, almost the same way today's video game releases are. However beautiful and complex she may be, El Shaddai and No More Heroes easily beat this chick out ten fold in terms of depth. I mean seriously, this image came up twice under "awkward gamer" search. Three words people, double you tee eff.

Deus Ex: HUman Revolution and why you should care

Not a lot has been mentioned about the newest title coming up from the house of Square Enix. However stealthy it may appear, DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION will emerge on August 23rd  and will be rated M for mature. To say people have big expectations of this game would be a colossal understatement. Keep reading to find out if this sneaky cyberthriller is just what you've been waiting for...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Gears of War by Body Count?!?

We all know I love Gears of War. I also think Ice-T is the man, and I 100% rep Body Count. The new Body Count track aptly entitled "Gears of War" I cannot stand behind. In fact, if the song and I were walking down the street and we got jumped for our gold chains, I'd probably shove the song to the ground and run the other way...

....don't look at me that way... I'm not ashamed.

Regardless, have a listen for yourself via G4.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Graffiti + Gears of War = Sick

OGSlick gives us the skinny on why he needed to piss all over Gears of War 3, and I actually agree with him. Check out the vid below curtesy of RightTriggerx on youtube.

*EDIT: From here on out I'll be trying to use RightTriggerx for youtube videos*

The 3DS is scheduled for a serious price drop

I can't say I didn't see this one coming. Nintendo of America has just announced that it will be dropping the price of it’s newest handheld from $249.99 to $169.99. The new price will take effect on August 12 in retailers Across America. According to President of Nintendo of America Reggie Films-Aim, the $80.00 price reduction is being marketed as an excellent reason to pick one up this holiday. “For anyone who was on the fence about buying a Nintendo 3DS, this is a huge motivation to buy now, we are giving shoppers every incentive to pick up a Nintendo 3DS, from an amazing new price, to a rapid-fire succession of great games.” Rapid-fire succession huh? Sadly to say, the Nintendo 3DS has been plagued by moderate success in the United States. Hopefully this new price point is what the system needs to get flying off the shelves.

Regardless, if you were interested in picking up a 3DS, $169.99 does help sweeten the deal between your wallet and a fancy new piece of tech. However, now you have a good reason to hold out a little longer. I mean seriously, you’ve waited this long, another three weeks won’t kill you…right?