Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Soul Calibur V (and how it's gonna kick your ass)

The soul continues to burn feverishly over at Namco Bandai these days, especially if your a little known title that goes by the name of Soul Calibur V. Jump past the break to get the skinny.
The latest installment in the series is set to release early this year and make no mistake, SoulCal is pulling no punches... er... blade lunges, that is. Here's what I've got so far: The newest release in the series is set to take place 17 years after part IV, (why 17? Beats me) also, the roster has seen a beef up of steroid proportion. The new roster will showcase a minimum of 25 fighters. Some old, at least half new, and new to the series is one of Assassin's Creed's favorite character's Ezio Auditore, hidden blades and all.

Likewise, another new addition this go around will be the Edge Meter, located in the corner of the screen. Think of this like Street Fighter's Super Meter. Players will be able to store up energy by either landing or inflicting brutal assaults, which can either be released periodically as enhanced moves or stored for a more powerful singular attack on your unsuspecting enemy. On a side note, those of you looking to go head to head online have nothing to fear, as multiplayer has been kept completely intact.  Couple this with a new quickstep feature and the fact that Namco Bandai has sped up the gameplay by eliminating unnecessary stances for some of the characters... (Ahem...IVY) SoulCal looks like is setting itself up nicely to lay a beatdown on the competition this year. Enjoy the Ezio trailer as well as a taste of some of the new characters in the roster.

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